Regular monthly giving is really helpful
David Bartlett, Treasurer
Thank you for thinking about supporting the work of St Mary’s.
We seek to advance God’s kingdom and bear witness to His love shown in Jesus
- in the ministry of word and sacrament
- in teaching and pastoral care
- in service to the community and those in need
How can I give?
Simply download and fill in our Gift Aid and Standing Order Form and hand it in at church or drop it off at the Rectory
With this option you can manage all your giving to different charities conveniently from one place for a small fee.
Set up a Stewardship account online
Give during the Offering collection by cash, card or cheque payable to St Mary’s PCC. If possible please gift aid your donations
Decide on an exciting challenge, then set up your own fundraiser at our just click ‘start fundraising’. Ask your friends to support you! Have fun and let us know so we can support you too…
Celebrate the life of someone you love with a page in their memory, or celebrate another occasion such as a birth, birthday, wedding, anniversary, baptism etc.
Set up your own fundraiser at our just click ‘start fundraising’.
All you need to do is share your memorial/fundraiser page with family and friends who might appreciate an opportunity to donate – send round an email.
For a funeral, some people might prefer to make a donation instead of sending flowers. An In Memory Page is a special way of remembering someone.
If you’re planning a funeral, it helps to arrange for your Page’s details to be printed on the Order of Service
Give a lasting gift from your Will.
Legacy gifts are a special opportunity to develop the mission and ministry of St Mary’s.
Find out more at the Church of England Legacy Website or talk to the Vicar
Give yourself – the best gift!
Each of us is a unique creation – with personality, skills and talents to offer God’s kingdom. You can help our mission and ministry in the village and beyond by volunteering with us and making a real difference: the gift of you, the gift of time
Give financially
Everything helps – St Mary’s receives no external financial support. We depend on people’s giving for our work to grow, and to maintain our building and churchyard for the community. We want to reflect the generosity of Jesus our Saviour who gave himself for us
How much should I give?
You could pray, and then decide how much it would be right for you to give
What about Tithing?
Tithing (giving 10%) was suggested in the Old Testament
‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.’ Malachi 3:10
Being good stewards requires us to decide what we will do with all that God has entrusted to us. We say in our Service at the offertory time “All things come from you, and of your own do we give you”
This reminds us that all that we have is sourced from God’s provision
In the New Testament we are encouraged to give of time, skills and money to support the work of the church and that of other charities that build God’s kingdom
Most of the money given will probably be from our regular income, but we might want to consider also, from time to time, whether we want to do something extra from savings
General Synod encourages church members to set a target of giving 5% of their income to and through the church, and a further 5% to other organizations that help build God’s kingdom. In fact, sometimes people simply cannot afford that much. Others may be able to give more
Gift Aid
Under the Inland Revenue’s Gift Aid scheme, St Mary’s is entitled to reclaim the basic rate of tax on gifts by UK taxpayers. This means that, if you are a UK taxpayer, your gift will increase at no extra cost to you. Simply download and fill in our Gift Aid and Standing Order Form and hand it in at church or drop it off at the Rectory
Christ has no body now on earth
St Teresa of Avila
but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours,
yours are the eyes through
which Christ’s compassion
is to look out to the earth,
yours are the feet by which He is
to go about doing good
and yours are the hands by
which He is to bless us now.